Monday, September 10, 2012

Flu Shots

Within the Black Hills there are many opportunities to have children get free shots for different diseases. There have been many cases of whopping cough throughout the states. Many parents are unaware of the Tdap booster in adolescent children. The S.D. Department of Health is currently making Tdap vaccine available, FREE to all children ages 10 through 14.

Dates available for Tdap shots are: September 6, 2012 from 3:15 to 5:15 pm and on September 7, 2012 from 3:15 to 5:15 pm at the S.D. Department of Health located by Big D gas station. Get your immunizations today and stay healthy! Also at Spearfish Walmart they are offering flu shots throughout the day. Make your family and community aware of the opportunities to keep everyone healthy and stop the spread of disease.


  1. Word^ I learned alot. But honestly, I'm scared of needles! LOLZ :(

  2. i don't get the flu shots, last time i actually got the flu and was really sick. so i just don't believe in them anymore :)

  3. It is good that they offer free shots for kids!

  4. Hey thanks Alissa! Now I'll know to get my kids that vaccine when I have kids.

  5. I dont know if ive ever gotten a flu shot

  6. I'm glad that they do shots free for children!

  7. I don't think I have ever had a shot. Just kidding. I shoot up all the time. Just kidding again. I have recieved shots before. Even one in the buttocks before.

  8. I don't usually get the flu shot since most people say they end up feeling sick anyway. All the same, very good information to know.

  9. i think that is a good thing for the government to pay for childrens shots.

  10. This is a good reminder - I need to get mine. I never used to, but after I got the flu a few years ago, I totally changed my mindset.
