Monday, September 17, 2012

BFHS Blood Drive

The Belle Fourche High School Student Council puts on a blood drive every year, for students and community members to donate blood to those in need of blood transfusions. It is a very successful program, there are many people who donate blood.

The blood drive is Wednesday, the 26th, at the Belle Fourche Rec Center. The Student Council members will be  putting it on. We need many people to donate, it is for a good cause. You can go over to the Rec Center over a free period or lunch to donate, you just have to sign up and get a parent consent, if you are under 18, you need a parent to sign for you. For more information or to sign up,see a student council member or Mr. McNally.


  1. This information is really helpful because I can't ever hear the announcements in my first period.

  2. It is awesome that so many people donate to a great cause! Hopefully everything goes great and there are a lot of donaters!

  3. People need to remember to not get so excited when giving blood, because how many people passed out last year? They also need to eat the cookies! They are for their own good!

  4. This is a really good cause and I hope a lot of people donate blood to help another person out.

  5. The blood drive is a really good thing to bring to the community. Student council is great for helping organize it.

  6. Thanks for the info i will sign up.

  7. I love how its a tradition for the student council for the student council to put on a blood drive twice a year, and I love how many students get involved.

  8. It is always good to donate blood.

  9. I think donating blood is a great thing to do, but people should also remember to follow the safety guidelines, like eating a good breakfast and drinking lots of water before hand.
