Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Depression is a big issue in America. Whether it is hereditary or not, it is an issue. Depression is a disorder in which one feels sad or unhappy. Did you know that depression affects over 19 million people a year?  Depression is caused by many different things. Here are a few of them: alcohol or drug abuse, certain medical conditions, certain medications: such as steroids, sleeping problems, stressful life events, such as: breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, failing a class, death or illness of someone close to you, divorce, childhood abuse or neglect, job loss, and social isolation.

There are many ways to fix depression. Most commonly people are put on medications to help them. Some people will grow out of it, adolescence is a hard age and it is very common for teenagers to experience depression. Also, some people may just have to talk to a counselor. Depression is most common in girls. Depression is a big issue, many people suffer from it. Are you bullying someone? Bullying can cause depression. Hereditary depression can be a problem, you may be a happy person naturally and suddenly you are not the same person anymore. It can change a person into someone you do not know anymore.


  1. All of this is very true. Ive had friends that have gone to counselors for problems that are alot like that. Bullying is also not cool, I always try to stick up for someone who is being talked down on or not getting treated right.

  2. You make a good point. Many people suffer from depression and they don't even know it themselves. It is good to get people to know and undersetand more about depression in order for them to help others or even themselves heal.

  3. I completely agree with all of this i have experienced some of this first hand without even knowing it. but being able to accept it is the first step and always find help or a way to cope.

  4. I know a lot of people that werer bullied and became depressed. Its a tough thing to deal with.

  5. Depression is a HUGE problem, especially with girls. Personally, I think the best cure for depression is telling someone your problems and getting what is on your mind off of your chest!

  6. I didn't know depression was most common in girls. Interesting!!

  7. I agree that depression is a big problem in our generation. But I also think people can take advantage of the situation and use it for attention. Sorry, if that is mean. To the people who are medicated for it.. you really think that popping pills for the rest of your life is going to help.. try again.

    1. I agree with you, some people do it just for the attention

  8. yea i agree, it's a terrible condition :( i just want people to know it will get better! even time needs time, if you hit bottom there's no where but UP.

  9. It helps to have someone you trust to help you through it, in any situation, so someone who is depressed needs to have a good friend.

  10. I agree this is a huge problem in America today. Is there any reason depression is more common in girls than guys?

    1. There are no real answers as to why but scientifically proven females are more prone to depression than males

  11. This is certainly an issue. Having someone to talk to is always important.
