Monday, August 27, 2012


Obesity has become a huge problem in America and even in our area here in the Black Hills. Obesity just means that you have too much body fat. Taking in more calories than you burn leads to obesity. Did you know that in the last year the adult obesity rates went up in 16 states and none of the rates of obesity went down. Twenty years ago, no state had an obesity rate over fifteen percent.

There are many ways to stop the obesity from progressing upward, such as making people aware of it and what is happening around them. Also, people could take part in exercise programs at the Belle Fourche Recreation Center and Curves or other programs in the community that help you maintain a constant body weight and stay fit. I think that obesity has become a big problem and it needs to be known in the USA and acted upon. I hope you take caution when going out to eat and stay healthy and fit.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hello :) all of my blogs are going to be about concerns and make aware of health issues and what is going on in our community right now.